Your eating disorder does not define your identity and who you are as a person. You are not anorexic, you are not bulimic, you are not your mental illness. Stop defining yourself by your label and define yourself by the person you want to be.

You are not worthless, you are not weak, you are not the nothingness that your eating disorder made you feel for all those years.

You are free to be whoever and whatever you want to be because recovery is freedom from the tags and labels that your eating disorder pressed firmly onto you and your identity for all those years. You are not your past, you are not the person you were at your lowest point, you aren’t even the person you were yesterday, you are only the you who is here in the present; so let go and move onto discovering who that is.

So you weren’t cool in school, you weren’t popular, you were artistic, you weren’t sporty. So what? So you weren’t the person you wanted to be at 16, 18, 25… why let that hold you back to becoming whoever you want to be right now? Identity is fluid, its flexible, its changeable, its something that doesn’t define you it only guides you. Want to be a writer, do it, want to be artistic, do it, want an identity that doesn’t run smoothly from who you use to be, so what? Do it! Be whoever it is that you want to be and stop letting your eating disorder define you because that is merely the past and has absolutely no holding over you.